Chemical products with low COD content in wastewater
Gruppo Biokimica is committed to developing new technologies and production methodologies aimed at enhancing the product while respecting environmental sustainability.
The company has selected a series of fatliquors, resins, tanning and retanning agents with low COD value impact. Chemical Oxygen Demand is the parameter indicating water pollution by measuring the amount of oxygen required to chemically oxidize pollutants.
Registered Products

In the Gruppo Biokimica's range of low COD fatliquors, LIKERSOL PL stands out for its sustainable characteristics. It is a polymer-based fatliquor that, unlike traditional ones, has high affinity with leather, showing good softness without causing looseness. The handle and the degree of softness can be enhanced by integrating LIKERSOL 195 and LIKERSOL GM, both natural origin products with excellent substrate affinity.
The low COD content tanning and retanning agents of Biokimica Group, like BIOPLEM BCM and BIOPLEN 693, have excellent leather affinity and are suitable for processing generally soft items, including those that can be dry-milled. BIOPLEN GTI provides fullness and roundness to achieve exceptionally tight grain.

product lines
ZDHC LEVEL 3 registered chemicals for low bisphenol content tanning.
The leather finishing system that combines efficiency and technology to achieve environmentally sustainable leather with zero atmospheric emissions.

Info on Low-COD series?
We are open Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 12:30 and from 14:00 to 18:30.
Visit us at Via dei conciatori 44, Santa Croce Sull’Arno (PI).
You can reach us by phone at +39 0571 3631 or email us at info@gruppobiokimica.com